It is imperative that leaders of Registered Campus Organization’s (RCO’s) are aware of Univeristy policies and Campus Organizations related policies. For a complete list of policies pertaining to Campus Organizations, you can visit the Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct website.
RCO Signer Policies
Only current UCI students can be signers of an organization (excluding University Extension students). Signers of RCOs are responsible for the activities of their organization(s). They agree to be jointly or individually liable for all debts and obligations to the University incurred by the organization. Signers read UC/UCI agreements and policies and agree to comply. Remember signers are ultimately responsible for the RCO.
Free Speech
Rights of Free Speech and Academic Freedom at UC Irvine. The exercise and protection of freedom of speech and expression are at the core of the University’s mission of teaching, research, and public service. UC Irvine actively attempts to engage the community to promote and model civil and respectful dialogue on campus.
Free speech as defined by the United States Constitution and the State of California Constitution does not give a public university the right to regulate speech in public forums. A public university must remain neutral in subject matter and viewpoint. There is less protection for speech that incites illegal activity. Speech is fully protected unless accompanied by or incites to, illegal activity.
Current rulings by the federal courts have found speech codes, as a general matter, too vague or overbroad.
Because the University of California is a state entity, it complies with both the U.S. and California Constitutions.
For more information visit:
Demonstration Tips
- Prior to your demonstration, review the University polices and clarify policy-related questions with the Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct (AISC).
- Inform your participants of the University policies and share this information.
- When planning a location for your demonstration, utilize the time, place, and manner regulations as mentioned in UCI Adminstrative Policies and Procedures Section 905 and pursue the reservation of an appropiate venue with Student Center and Event Services.
- If safety is a concern, contact UCI Irvine Police Department at (949) 824-5223.
- Review the Code of Student Conduct and policy on Speech and Advocacy.
Student Conduct Policies
- Blocking of entrances to or otherwise restricting the free flow of traffic into and out of campus buildings, parking lots, campus roads and walkways with tables or movable stands (sec. 102.13, 102.15)
- Obstructing or disrupting campus activities, classes, and offices (sec. 102.13)
- Utilizing amplified sound without prior approval that disrupts campus activities (sec. 102.13)
- Engage in physically abusive or threatening conduct toward any person (sec. 102.08)
- Exhibit disorderly or lewd conduct (sec. 102.14)
- Participating in a disturbance of the peace or unlawful assembly (sec. 102.15)
- Failure to comply with a University official acting in the performance of their duties (sec. 102.16)
- Engage in theft, destruction of, or damage to any University property or equipment (sec. 102.04)
Please keep in mind. Participants may video or audio record an event that is open to the public as long as it is in compliance with the UCI Administrative Policies & Procedures Section 900-30, Policy on Filming and Photography on the UC Irvine Campus.
Need Help Planning Your Demonstration?
- Safety concerns? Contact UC Irvine Police Department at (949) 824-5223.
- Reserve a venue? Amplified sound? Guest speaker? Contact the Student Center & Event Services at (949) 824-5252.
- Interpretation of policy? Contact the Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct at (949) 824-5590.
- Attend a lobby core class? Contact Executive Vice President for ASUCI at (949) 824-2400.
- General demonstration questions? Contact Campus Organizations at (949) 824-5181.
UCI Trademarks and Licensing
To use an official UCI word mark, logo, or other trademarks on a commercial or consumer product, registered student groups and campus organizations must follow the process described here. Commercial and consumer products include goods for sale, resale (fundraising), internal use or to be given away.
Hazing Prevention
“Hazing” means any method of initiation or preinitiation into a student organization or student body, which is likely to cause serious bodily injury to any former, current, or prospective student of any school, community college, college, university, or other educational institution in this state. (See UC Anti-Hazing Compliance)
REPORTING: If you have experienced or have witnessed hazing, you may report this incident to the Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct