Registration FAQ’s
Why isn’t my organization approved yet?
The recognition process is manual and not automatic. COVP staff reviews the completed organizations daily, and make take up to five business days to complete the review and recognition process.
My checklist is complete, why isn’t my organization approved?
Although your checklist may be complete, other signers may be incomplete. Check-in with all signers, since the checklists are individual. CampusGroups home > My Activities > My Tracks/Checklists. Also, make sure that you have accepted your officer role and signed the officer agreements.
All signers have completed their checklist, accepted their officer role, and signed the agreements. Why isn’t my organization recognized yet?
The registration fee payment may be missing. Visit for the payment link. The recognition process is manual and not automatic. COVP staff reviews the completed organizations daily. The review and recognition process may take up to five business days to complete
There’s no option to re-register my organization. What do I do?
In most cases, when the “Group Re-registration” button is not available, a signer has already initiated the process. The re-registration form is most likely is DRAFT form, and has not been submitted. To find your draft, CampusGroups home > Left toolbar > My Surveys/Forms. Check-in with your signers if the form was not initiated by you.
Organization Name Change: Should I register as a new organization if I want to change the name of my organization?
No. Please continue with the re-registration process with the existing name. After submission, a signer may submit a request using the Campus Organization Name Change Request Form.
Can I add additional officers to have access to the organization group page on CampusGroups?
Yes. A signer can contact to request up to 5 additional officers. These additional officers are not authorized signers. Learn more about signers v. officers for CampusGroups.